我们是铝门窗公司的制造商,已经从事这项业务超过7年,为墨尔本的房主和建筑商提供优质的产品和服务。目前我们在Sunshine West有工厂运营,所有产品均根据客户的要求订购。 我们是澳大利亚窗户质检协会的资深会员,我们所有的产品都旨在满足澳大利亚建筑和玻璃窗标准。
给我们打电话,给我们发电子邮件或到我们的工厂/陈列室。 我们非常期待尽可能为您提供帮助,确保满足您的所有要求。无论项目大小。
Wideline 门窗
我们的门窗系统来自Wideline。 Wideline是澳大利亚最知名和值得信赖的门窗品牌之一,拥有44年以上的澳大利亚传统和生产最高标准建筑产品的声誉。先进的技术,创新和美丽是Wideline系列门窗的标志。 Wideline采用先进的制造技术和创新的设计解决方案,创造出满足挑剔房主需求的门窗,提供具有吸引力的现代化设计,能源效率和灌木防火安全。设计的多功能性和一系列优质配件为您提供极致的灵活性,为您的家居创造出您想要的外观。 您可以感受到每一款Wideline产品都经过严格研究以确保在澳大利亚境内获得最佳性能的安全感。 每款Wideline产品都有全面的7年质保。
Monday – Friday :9am to 5pm
Saturday – Sunday:Closed
Our sliding doors are easy to maintain and quiet to operate. Their design and solid security features offer both comfort and safety for exterior doors. Quality construction ensures high structural tolerances are maintained despite temperature and humidity changes.
Awning Windows give the appearance of a fixed window with the convenience of being hinged at the top to provide convenient operation and controlled ventilation.
The Essentials Range colours has been carefully hand selected to reflect popular colours trending in the building industry. The Essentials Range provides a neutral palette giving you great design scope and flexibility.
Windows and doors are fundamental elements of the home and can have a huge impact on the look, feel, functionality and overall comfort of your home.