About Us

Chinese Classifieds (auads.com.au) is a reputable classifieds website owned by AUliving (auliving.com.au).

Chinese Classifieds provides up-to-date, reliable and comprehensive classifieds information for the Chinese-Australian community. We create a platform for business owners to showcase their products and services and engage with the growing Chinese market.

Our aim is to strengthen the Chinese community bond with the Australian mainstream whilst promote cross-cultural harmony within the local business community.

The website is developed and managed by local Chinese-Australians who have first-hand experience with living, working and investing in Australia. Using cutting edge technology, experienced marketing and user-friendly interface, we embark on an innovative journey to provide the most accessible and reliable digital solution for users and businesses.

We welcome your input to continuously improve the usability of this platform for the local Chinese market.



分類大全網站(auads.com.au) 是立足於澳洲,服務華人的專業分類網站。


