N2C Entertainment  ID: 15911 

N2C Entertainment

N2C Entertainment

墨爾本第一家集網咖,桌游,麻將,餐飲於一體的娛樂中心 N2C Entertainment 坐落於墨爾本最大華人區 BOX HILL 的交通購物娛樂中樞 Box Hill Central。店鋪面積超過500平米,這裡有超高配的遊戲設備,顏值爆表的帥哥美女,緊張激烈狼人殺比賽,領先潮流的VR體驗專區,環境舒適的麻將包間。如果說還有什麼不完美的地方,就是缺了你的加入!風裡雨里,N2C 等你!

N2C entertainment, unlike a typical internet cafe, is providing a holistic forum for communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet and other recreational facilities. Sitting in 500+ m2 space, N2C entertainment brings in the most advanced computers, visual reality equipment, table games, dart machines and other facilities to accommodate various demands of our customers. Exclusive game server and customized services will bring you the most extreme entertainment experience. To meet the inquiry of our dear customers, we also provide all kinds of snacks and drinks, with an aim to set up on-site kitchen to satisfy your stomach.

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