Waste-Mate 新型垃圾處理系統(澳洲專利)專為澳洲家庭,餐館,咖啡店,便利店,辦公室,醫院,養老院等等住所和機構設計,只要有廚房垃圾的場所,都可以安裝這一領先和環保的垃圾處理系統。簡單,環保,高效,無味,從此廚房垃圾不再停
留在屋內,徹底消除蟑螂等昆蟲,同時避免食物腐爛等異味。整套系統美觀高雅,已被多地 City Council 採納和推薦使用。
該系統正在澳洲全國徵求分銷商和經銷商。有興趣的商家和個人,可直接跟 Ben 聯繫。手機:0481 399 416 郵件:[email protected]
需要直接購買該系統的個人和商家,可跟 Waste-Mate 布里斯本公司直接聯繫。電話:(07) 3844 7870 地址:66 Merivale Street, South Brisbane
Qld 4101 Australia.
Waste-Mate is a revolutionary Australian invention that has provided a solution to one of the most inefficient house hold jobs, which is disposing
of household waste. Waste-Mate uses a patented rubbish chute system that takes the rubbish from within the family kitchen and deposits it
directly into the outside bins. This means no messy kitchen bin tidy』s, smelly odors inside the house, reduction in insect, better hygiene and also
no more arguments about who is going to take out the rubbish bags