FaithToDate 婚戀顧問
FaithToDate (亦有Faith Today之意)。於2015年成立,
線上配對服務亦擴展至海外單身華人(華僑/華裔), 無信仰界限平台即將進出, 現已開放接受報名及查詢。 歡迎到網址了解更多, 或直接WhatsApp +85296119645 聯絡。
FaithToDate (also means Faith Today) is a Christian dating and matchmaking platform founded in 2015. We offer an effective, safe, reliable online platform for busy single Christians who value privacy.
Our online matching service has also extended to overseas Asian, non-religious based platform to be launched soon, browse our website for more information, or contact us by WhatsApp to +85296119645 for enquiry or registration.